Systems are the keys to keep your business running.

You build and manage a business around systems. 
They will keep your business running even during your breaks.

Talk to us

"Systems" is a word too vague for us to further our discussion.

In POWERTACT, we simplify Systems into 4 categories.

IT Infrastructure

Infrastructure is the foundation your business runs on. 
From servers to terminals, network to phone systems.

Enterprise Systems

Enterprise systems are the software you chose or build in order to operating your business in a systematic way.  It will in turn define the workflow of your business and generate the data you required for managing your business.

Cloud & Edge Computing

Cloud computing is to let you access your data anytime anywhere whilst Edge computing is to let you process your data close to your data source.

eCommerce & Digital Marketing

While some systems are internal usage, these are for channeling your business to the market.  Let the market know more about you, your products and services, making sales proactively and with discipline.

IT Infrastructure
Cloud & Edge Computing
Enterprise Systems
eCommerce & Digital Marketing

 IT Infrastructure

IT infrastructure is the Backbone of Innovation.  It's the foundation upon which everything is built and it empowers the Future of Technology.

Components of IT Infrastructure

Let’s look at the key components.

Hardware - Servers, storage, and networking equipment.

Software - Operating systems, applications, and management tools.

Network - Connectivity that ties everything together.

Data Centers - The heart of IT operations.

Each component plays a critical role in delivering seamless service.

Importance of IT Infrastructure

So, why should we care?

A robust IT infrastructure drives efficiency, enhances performance, and enables scalability.  It’s not just about technology; it’s about powering the future of work and innovation.

Challenges We Face

But it’s not all smooth sailing.

We face challenges like security threats, outdated systems, and the need for constant innovation.  These hurdles can slow us down, but they also present opportunities for growth.

Future Trends

What does the future hold?

Cloud Computing - More businesses are moving to the cloud, creating hybrid solutions.

Edge Computing - Bringing data processing closer to the source for faster insights.

AI and Automation - Streamlining operations and enhancing decision-making.

These trends will redefine our IT infrastructure.

What can we do for you?

  1. We help our client to build their first server, server racks or data centers.
  2. We offer hardware for rental or purchase.
  3. We offer telephone (Cloud-hosted or on-premises SIP/PBX) solutions.
  4. We offer email solutions (Cloud-hosted or on-premises).
  5. We offer instant messenger solutions (Cloud-hosted or on-premises)
  6. We offer surveillance solutions.
  7. We offer backup solutions - both standard (30-days daily backup, 6-month weekly backup, 1-year monthly backup) and tailor-made; remote or onsite.
IT Infrastructure
Cloud & Edge Computing
Enterprise Systems
eCommerce & Digital Marketing

 Cloud & Edge Computing

Cloud Computing

Imagine accessing your data anytime, anywhere.

Cloud computing allows us to store and manage data on remote servers. It’s not just a trend; it's a fundamental shift in how we think about technology.

Public Cloud - Let’s talk about the public cloud.

This is where resources are shared over the internet. Think of it as using a library. You have access to a vast range of resources without owning them. It’s cost-effective, scalable, and convenient.

Private Cloud - Now, let’s shift gears to the private cloud.

This is your exclusive space. It’s like having your own library. You have complete control over your data, ensuring security and compliance. It’s ideal for businesses with strict data regulations.

Hybrid Cloud - Now, here’s where it gets exciting: the hybrid cloud.

Imagine the best of both worlds. You can keep sensitive data in your private cloud while leveraging the public cloud for scalability. It’s flexible. It’s powerful. It’s the future.

So, why does this matter?

In a world where data drives decisions, having the right cloud solution is crucial. It enhances collaboration, accelerates innovation, and ultimately, it empowers businesses to thrive.  What are your thoughts on how cloud computing can transform your organization?

Edge Computing

Imagine you’re driving an autonomous car. Every millisecond counts.  With Edge Computing, the car can process data locally, making split-second decisions that could save lives. This is the power of Edge Computing.

By processing data closer to the source, Edge Computing reduces the time it takes to get a response.  Edge Computing minimizes the amount of data that needs to be sent to centralized data centers. This reduces bandwidth costs and improves efficiency.  With data processed locally, the risk of data breaches during transmission is reduced. This is especially important for sensitive information in healthcare and finance.

Now, let me show you something amazing. This tiny device here is an edge server. It can process data right where it’s generated, providing real-time insights and actions. Imagine the possibilities!

Any questions? Let’s explore how Edge Computing can transform your industry.

What can we do for you?

  1. We may help you to design and set up from your cloud, from a single tower server to even multi-tenant HA clusters,
    1. in a form of Public Cloud (single or multi vendors, e.g. AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Ali Cloud), Private Cloud (running OpenStack) or Hybrid Cloud (running both Public Cloud and Private Cloud connecting with each others),
      1. virtualized with hypervisors at your own choices (e.g. VMWare ESXi, Proxmox VE, XCP-ng, bhyne...),
      2. clustered in Kubernetes at your own choices (e.g. K8s, K3s, RKE...)
      3. containerized applications at your own choices (e.g. Dockers, Podman, LXC...),
    2. monitored at your own choices.
  2. We offer on-site and remote setup services.
  3. We offer remote server management services.
IT Infrastructure
Cloud & Edge Computing
Enterprise Systems
eCommerce & Digital Marketing

 Enterprise Systems

The Story of Enterprise Systems​

The founder of Powertact possesses decades of experience in deploying ERP solutions for both small companies and multi-national companies (MNC).  We know clearly the headaches in choosing ERPs.  

Enterprise system is a market that winners take all.  So, only several big players, e.g. SAP, MS Dynamics, Oracles, last and share the market.  At the same time, only MNCs can afford so high a cost.  But even for MNCs, a costly system may be an asset sometimes and turns to a liability at the tough period, let alone small and medium enterprises (SMEs).  These forced SMEs turned to solutions from some small providers.

But this is not the solutions.  Small local solution providers, very often, cannot survive all the way with your business.  Among the survivors, over 90% of them are struggling too, unable to invest actively in development and put their systems on maintenance stage before the end of life of their product.  Dated technologies make them more difficult to promote to newcomers.  They, in turn, find it hard to rewrite their software.  Even they did, you have no idea how long they will last.

So, after all those years, what's the best path for SMEs?  It's open source solution.  The open source market competes a different way.  But somehow the better ones enjoy a larger community of developers and users.

Among all the open source solutions, we spotted two featured ones - Odoo and ERPNext.

Odoo Your business on one platform

Odoo is a fully featured ERP and CRM solutions.  Its head office is located in Belgium, with its Asia Pacific Headquarter in Hong Kong.  We choose to join Odoo as its official partner in 2024 as we witnessed how they changed their business model will make them strong and better.  

Odoo will roll out a new release every year.  Their business model is simple that you pay a license fee per user and can enjoy every features that come with the latest release.  Their system is rich in features, from the basics like Sales, Purchasing, Invoicing, Accounting, Inventory, Manufacturing, to the advanced features like Email Direct Marketing (EDM), Human Resource Management (HRM)... etc.  If you are a one-man band startup, you may try directly with their canned package online solution, or even a free one, but lack of some important functions like Accounting.  However, in a large extent, you will not be able to have it customized.  Or, you may just come to us and we may help you grip the whole picture clearly, including the functions available, incurred cost and schedule in thirty minutes.

ERPNext Your own enterprise system

  • Truly Open Source - ERPNext is 100% open source, meaning all its features are available without additional costs. In contrast, Odoo follows an open-core model where some advanced features require a paid subscription.
  • Ease of Customization - ERPNext is highly modular and allows for easy customization with minimal coding. This is facilitated by its Frappe framework, which balances Python and JavaScript.
  • Resource Efficiency - ERPNext is less resource-intensive and can run smoothly on virtual private servers (VPS) with multi-tenancy, making it a good choice for businesses with limited IT resources.
  • Unified Platform - ERPNext offers a single platform to cater to various business needs, reducing the complexity of managing multiple apps and integrations.
  • Community and Support - While ERPNext has a smaller community compared to Odoo, it is dedicated and responsive, providing strong support for businesses with less complex requirements.
  • Scalability - ERPNext’s architecture is optimized for handling large volumes of data, enhancing scalability and performance.

And we believe in freedom of choices.

We can help you deploy Enterprise Systems at your own choices. 

What can we do for you?

  1. We provide consultancy services for public funding scheme regarding Enterprise Systems implementation.
  2. We will pay you a visit, talk to you and you will study from other market players how they utilize the public funding scheme.
  3. We provide you a tailored solution proposal based on your request.
  4. We will implement the solution with your company.
  5. We will provide you a roadmap.
IT Infrastructure
Cloud & Edge Computing
Enterprise Systems
eCommerce & Digital Marketing

 eCommerce & Digital Marketing

Catalog Website with Content Management System (CMS)

  • Odoo
  • WordPress
    • Elementor
    • Elementor Pro (optional, subscription-based)
  • Drupal

eCommerce Solutions

  • Odoo eCommerce
  • Adobe Magento
  • Woocommerce (with WordPress)
  • Drupal Commerce (with Drupal)
  • OpenCart
  • Shopify (subscription based)
  • Shopline (subscription based)

Point-of-Sales (POS) Solutions

  • Retail
  • Catering

Payment Solutions

  • Common Global Payment Gateways
    • Stripe: Visa, Master, AliPay, WeChat Pay
    • PayPal: Visa, Master
  • Payment Gateways from Local Providers
    • KPay: Visa, Master, Octopus, AliPay HK, WeChat Pay HK

Digital Marketin​g

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Social Marketing (Facebook, Instagram)
  • Email Direct Marketing (EDM)
  • Text Promotion (SMS/WhatsApp)
  • YouTube (Video Production, KOL)

POWERTACT welcomes Business of All Stages.


I am going to start our business or have my business just started.  Let me know more about the systems you have mentioned.

Tough business looking for a robust system

We are business running with worksheets, Words, Excels, or a dated ERP system. How can we move forwards?

Running well with a robust system

We seek ways to improve. Tell me how we can get the most out of our stage and move ahead among the competitors.

Elevate Your Business Journey Today

Ready to embark on your business adventure? Talk to us today and let the symphony begin.

Data has never been that important.

Data is important to your business.  And it will only become even more important in the era of AI.  We deliver data engineering services as well as backup solutions to make you safe on the way to AI.

 About DA​​TA

Large Language Model (LLM)
Black Box vs White Box

What are the differences?
Should I concern about this?

 White Box LLM